Presented by Edinburgh Photographic Society, Scotland The home of one of the oldest (1861) and longest running photographic print exhibitions: “The Edinburgh International”
The competition is closed.
The Exhibition Catalogue is available here. A Gallery of all Accepted Images and Awarded Images can be found here.
All acceptance and award details have been accepted by the sponsoring bodies of FIAP, PSA and GPU and may be used in applications for distinctions by these bodies.
The Final list of confirmed entries may be found HERE . Report Cards were issued on 30th November.
The Exhibition consists of Four (4) Sections with up to Four (4) entries allowed in each:
Open Mono, Open Colour, Nature and ‘Scapes (Sea, City and Land)
AWARDS A FIAP Blue Badge plus 76 Awards will be presented including medals for each section from each of the Photographic Society of America, Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique, Global Photographic Union and the Scottish Photographic Federation.
Entry fees are £12 for the first section then £4 for each additional section. Payment is via PayPal.
Entries Open August 2024
Entries Close 10th November 2024
The salon is conducted with the patronage and recognition of:
The Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP)2024/538
The Photographic Society of America (PSA) 2024-1403
Thank you to all who entered our recent exhibition. All deliverables have been accepted by the accrediting bodies. Awards and acceptances may now be used in distinction and star ratings applications from FIAP, PSA and GPU.
As full functionality has not yet returned to the landing site, links to Galleries of all accepted and award winning images and to the Exhibition Catalogue (FIAP 5*) are now provided on the front page at
These links are repeated here for your convenience: Catalogue hereGalleries here.
All award winners should have received an email invitation to the Awards Ceremony on Saturday 18th January at 3:30pm in Edinburgh Photographic Society’s premises. For those unable to attend, your awards are being posted to you.
Our 161st Edinburgh International Print Exhibition will open for entries in early March 2025, we look forward to receiving your entries.
Best wishes,
Alexander D. Berndt ARPS EFIAP
Chairman 3rd EPS International Digital Exhibition 2024, Edinburgh Photographic Society
There were 16 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).
To request a copy of your results, please sign in with the email address used for entering this competition. A link to generate award certificates is available in the email.
Our calendar and approved rules state that we will issue report cards on the 30th November. We need that action to be completed by the system manager and all information has been passed to allow the report cards to be published. Thank you all for the consideration that you the entrants, the judges and the organising team have shown due to the system crash.
I wish you good results. Thanks to all for entering.
Alexander D. Berndt, Exhibition Chairman, 3rd EPS Digital International, Exhibition 2024, Edinburgh Photographic Society
As you know the Exhibition is now closed for entries. Following the system crash, our payment system is not yet re-connected from the entry system. Please ignore the Green box on the front page for the time being.
The greater majority of you have now paid and a full list of confirmed paid entries as of 2100 this evening (12 Nov 24) is linked from the front page of the entry site here this will be updated daily for the time being. The recently updated list can be accessed directly HERE (this link will go stale after the next update).
There are still several payments outstanding. We have two methods for payment:
If you have a PayPal Account you may use the relevant links for the number of sections that you have entered –
If you normally pay by card I can provide a one time request for payment to your email address. For this and any other queries and specifically if you have already paid and I have not been able to reconcile your payment please use the Contact Us email shown at the top of the entry site.
I confirm that all entries will go forward to judging.
Again, I thank you for entering and I apologise for the inconvenience that you may have experienced. Good luck in the competition.
Alexander D. Berndt ARPS EFIAP, Exhibition Chairman, Edinburgh Photographic Society.
My sincere apologies for any confusion with the email sent earlier today.
The previous email says that only some entrants have been waiting to pay.
If you have already had confirmation your payment should be listed in the file HERE. If your payment is not listed please reply with PayPal reference, to assist me.
I will update this file periodically throughout the next few days. Please check updates via the link on the front page of the Entry Site as the link in this email refers to current status only.
Thank you for your patience as I try to sort this out.